Board Meeting Minutes for 2009

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting – Feb. 25, 2009

-Attendance: Lions Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Kathie Norris, Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, Al Ackerman, Norm Hahn, Tom Rusert, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette
Lion President Diane Dubiel called the meeting to order at 9:18 P.M.
-Lion Dick Crawford reported that at the Merritton Lions Club 70th anniversary banquet held on Feb. 21, 2009, our club donated a $50 check payable to the Merritton Lions Club for a charity of their choice.  About 12-14 other clubs in attendance were all presenting their checks to the Merritton Lions at that time.  Therefore, a motion was made by Lion Dick Crawford and 2nd by Lion Jerry Dubiel to officially give $50 to the Merritton Lions Club for their 70th anniversary gift.  Motion passed unanimously.
-It was also noted that the Merritton Lions Club will hold their annual bowling party on March 22 with a cost of $10 per person.  Bowling competition will be held at 10:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M.
-Lion Kathie Norris stated that she will be moving back to Kentucky in June.  Her daughter will be having twin boys and she wants to be there for the event.  She stated she has lived in our area since July, 1997.
-Lion Sec. Kathie Norris gave her activity reports to Lion Dick Crawford to review and she will give the activity report at the next board meeting.
-Lion Pres. Diane stated that the July 4th parade for our club needs a new chairman.  Lion Diane has been the chair but wants a replacement. June 26 is the deadline to let the Town of Grand Island know we as a club will be marching.  Lion Tom DeCarlo will be contacted to see if he would be willing to chair this project.
-Lion Paul Bassette briefly discussed the need to order a Peace Poster Kit for 2009 Peace Poster Contest.  Lion Jerry Dubiel moved and 2nd by Lion Norm Hahn to purchase one Peace Poster Kit at a cost of $9.95 plus shipping and handling.  Motion passed unanimously.
-Lion Paul Bassette made a brief presentation about the book dealing with Lions Club International history.  The book is an updated version of the first book published in l991.  The book is entitled Lions Clubs in the 21st Century.  Lion Paul suggested we should order at least one book for the president to read and pass on to each succeeding president.  After some discussion, Lion Jerry Dubiel moved and 2nd by Lion Paul Bassette to order one book entitled Lions Clubs in the 21st Century at a cost of $29.95 plus shipping and handling for the president of our club and to be passed on to each succeeding President.  Included in the motion was that the form to order the book thru Lions International will be in all new membership kits for new Lions.  Motion passed unanimously.  Any Lion who would like to order the book, he/she will be able to do so with the order form available in the next club news letter.
-Lion Paul Bassette also made some brief comments regarding the lack of Lions Club projects during some of our down months of the year such as November, December and either April or May.  He said we need do more service orientated projects to assist/serve our community as well as to attract new members who would like to be involved in these projects.  Lion Pres. Diane said she will check with Lion Shelia Ferrentino regarding a diabetes project for the month of November.
-Lion Pres. Diane stated that the Merritton Lions Club would like to change their January get together at our club to the month of October because of bad weather conditions in January.  It was agreed to change their exchange with our club.  They will come to our club meeting in October and our club will attend the Merritton Club meeting in March.  Our club will be attending the Merritton Lions Club meeting on March 11, 2009.
-Lion Pres. Diane stated our next board of directors meeting will be held on March 25, 2009.
-Lion Jerry Dubiel moved to adjourn meeting with a second by Lion Al Ackerman.  Motion passed and meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Paul Bassette, Recording Secretary

Board Meeting Minutes 3/25/09

Lion Diane has a form she received from Lions International about the
International Convention, which will be held in Minneapolis, MN July 6-10th.
We can have 1 delegate & 1 alternate and any former DG to vote and attend.
It was asked if anyone from board wished to go. Nobody said they would be
willing to go, so Diane tabled it for now. We have to send in the name by
May 1st. So if any Lions member would like to attend convention & represent
our club, please let Diane know ASAP.
Since our next meeting will include the Region 2 ACM meeting Holiday Inn
Wed April 8th it was noted that our club will meet @ 6:30 right before the
meeting so Secy Lion Kathie can cast the votes for our new board. This
should go rather quickly, we have a full slate @ at time of this writing no
other nominations.
The secretary report will be up-to-date shortly as treasurer Lion Dick gave
Kathie some figures to complete the reports backdating to our fiscal year
July '08.
Lion Anne Fahning has asked Lion Tom DeCarlo to chair the July 4th parade
and he has graciously accepted. He has plans to ask some buddies of his to
include their classic cars as well.
It was noted that we need to contact the G.I. library to set-up a photo
session and asked that other Lions partake in picture to acknowledge our
donation of large prints books for the library. If anyone wants to come and
be included in photo, call Lion Diane ASAP, as this was going to be
arranged soon.
New Business: Lions Blind & Charity Fund form is to be completed so we can
get our funds/shares for this year. Our share this year will be $742. The
amount is less than last year; it was almost $1,000, in '08.
Our next board meeting will be Wed. April 22nd, a Buffalo Launch Club,
immediately following the general meeting that night.

Motion to adjourn Lion Jerry Dubiel, seconded by Lion Anne Fahning.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Kathie Norris

Board of Directors Meeting at Buffalo Launch Club April 22, 2009

Attendance:  Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Al Ackerman, Dave Chervinsky, Norm Hahn, Donna LaVallee, Tom Rusert, Paul Bassette

Lion Pres. Diane Dubiel called meeting to order at 8:57 P.M.

Lion Henry Lobl stated that he has the P.O. Box key.

Lion Jerry Dubiel gave a report on the volunteer caps for the Special Kids Picnic.  He gave various prices on different featured caps and suggested we purchase 144 silk screen caps for $452.  Much discussion followed on whether we should buy these caps and if so, how many.  A motion was made by Lion Jerry Dubiel and seconded by Lion Paul Bassette to purchase 144 silk screen caps at cost of $452 for the volunteers.  After further debate and discussion, motion defeated overwhelmingly.  Lion Anne Fahning will look into getting pins for the volunteers and have a report for the next meeting.

Old Business – none

New Business – Lion Dick Crawford noted that a potential Eagle Scout of Grand Island is looking for monetary donations for building a kiosk at Beaver Island and Buckhorn.  He has received no written request as of this date.

Pres. Diane received an e-mail from the Holiday Inn Catering Manager Dale VanAlstine concerned about our clubs lack of dinner meetings at the Holiday Inn.  After much discussion on the issue of our regular twice a month meetings, it was decided to keep our present first meeting of the month at the Holiday Inn and the second meeting of the month at the Buffalo Launch Club with the probability of the Merritton Lions meeting at the Knights of Columbus.  Pres. Diane stated she would communicate this to Dale VanAlstine.

Pres. Diane noted that Brooks Rimes would rejoin our Lions Club with his induction ceremony taking place at our Installation Banquet on June 10 at the Holiday Inn.  Lion Tom Rusert moved and seconded by Lion Henry Lobl that Brook’s dues payment will start July 1, 2009.  Motion passed.

Next Board of Directors meeting will be May 22 at the Buffalo Launch Club.

Lion Henry Lobl moved and seconded by Lion Al Ackerman to adjourn meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Paul Bassette, Recording Secretary

Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting, Buffalo Launch Club May 27,2009
Attending: Lions Dick Crawford, Kathie Norris, Al Ackerman, Tom Rusert, Dave Chervinsky, Annette Boies-Lobl.
Vice-President Henry called the meeting to order at 9:15 PM.
Vice-President reviewed the following correspondence requests:
Grand Island Chamber of Commerce request to participate in the 13 Island Happenings was received and filed
The Kaegebein Elementary School Kreative Krew request  for a donation to support the trip to the National finals in Nashville, Tennessee. Declined by Board consensus.
The 5th Grade at Huth Elementary School request to donate to the building of a rock garden. Declined by Board consensus.
Request from the Pendleton Lions to make a donation to the Morphy Family whose Tonawanda Creek home was condemned by a shift in the soil. There is no insurance coverage for this. Declined by consensus of the Board.
Lion Floyd’s request for a roll of tickets. Lion Dick Crawford made a motion to purchase a roll of tickets for this event with the tickets not used to be returned to the Club. Second made by Lion Al. Passed by unanimous vote.
Organizational Meeting for the new board will be held on Tuesday June 23,2009 in the Community Room at the Public Library. At 6:30 PM . 
Respectfully Submitted:

Annette Boies-Lobl, secretary

Grand Island Lions Club 2008-2009 Joint Board Meeting June 24,2009
                Grand Island Library Community Room

Attending:  Dick Crawford, Diane and Jerry Dubiel, Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski,
Paul Bassette, Dick Planavsky, Mike Kelly, Dave Chervinsky, Anne Fahning, Kathie Norris , Annette and Henry Lobl.
President Diane opened the meeting of the current board at 6:45 pm..
She expressed her appreciation to the Board members for all of their help, support and patience this past year,
She made the following announcements:
All notices for District 20N should still go to Diane Muscoriel.
Lancaster Lions is having a Steak Out 0n July 16. RSVP by 7/12.
Angel flight Fundraiser is 9/12/09. Tickets to follow.
Additional badges for the banner. Diane will give to Dick Crawford.
A note of appreciation was received from Young Life for our support and the dinner book was circulated..
Diane will be organizing a committee for the Couples Picnic on July 18 at Anne Fahning’s home. The meeting will be at Diane’s home on July 6 at 10AM.
Motion to adjourn by Gerry Dubiel,2nd by Paul Bassette.
President Henry Lobl (2009-10) convened the meeting at 7:05pm.
He expressed his excitement and philosophy in being President. Please refer to his enclosed letter in this newsletter for goals and objectives,
He also discussed possible changes in the following areas:
1.Programs- members will develop a program and speaker of  their interest.
2 Draft calendar was circulated and discussed. Enclosed is the completed calendar to date .
3. Use of Blind and Charity Committee.
4.Special Kids Picnic
5. Increase service opportunities on Grand Island.
 Al will pursue the Lions club serving the noon meal at the Senior Center on a monthly basis.
Another suggestion by Anne was to send out information on our activities to leaders of youth organizations. In this way we raise awareness of us, find opportunities to serve and recruit new members.
Motion to Adjourn by Kathie Norris,2nd by Tom Witkowski.
Respectfully Submitted

Annette Boies-Lobl Acting for Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting August 26, 2009

Attendance: (11 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Bill Wind, Paul Bassette,  Dick Planavsky, Tom Witkowski,
Donna Lavallee,
Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:11 PM. 
Secretary’s report: Annette; the club received a resignation letter from Marlene Kaniecki.  Discussion regarding a committee for the selection of the Melvin Jones and Uplinger awards.  It will be comprised of recipients of the awards from our club. Paul B, Al Ackerman, Dick C, Diane Dubiel, John McCarthy, Tom Witkowski.  If there is a need for a deciding vote, Henry Lobl will also vote.  Announcement for the recipients of the Melvin Jones and Uplinger awards will be at the Christmas party.   Correspondence received for continued commitment of delegates for Lions Vision Beyond Sight Foundation.  They will be Tom Witkowski and Diane Dubiel as alternative. 
Membership status: updates are needed for 4 members so that they receive the Lions magazine.  Chamber of Commerce picture needs to be submitted for this year, we will take a picture at the first meeting.  Annette went through four boxes of correspondence and “supplies”.  There are 3 vests to be offered to the membership, 3 vests, 1 large, 2 XL.  Coasters and pins etc may be offered to speakers as a gift.  Pins may be offered to new members.  Paul Bassette has the four thank you notes from the high school scholarship recipients.
Treasurer’s report: Dick Crawford; We have 23 paid members.   The White Cane sale brought in $1840.50, more than what was budgeted.   Member support was in manning the white cane was light, we had no one posted at HSBC.  We had 2 students who participated.  Hours will be submitted in the monthly report.  SKP, cost of the horses went up $100, a 20% increase.  We have not received a bill from the BLC for the SKP.  A General budget and Welfare Budget was distributed to the board members.  General Budget is based on 42 members and 2 family members.  Line item expense of Special spouse dinner is only for the installation dinner.  We received $290 from Knights of Columbus and Catholic Club in support of the SKP.
President’s report:  LP Henry Lobl:  Programs:
LP Henry has been working with Mt. St. Mary’s Hospital, Knights of Columbus and GI Lions Club for Diabetes awareness and screening to be held on November 15, 2009.  The event will be at the Knights of Columbus.  Lion Nancy Luckman (Newfane club) as a possible speaker for promotion of Diabetes awareness.  We will hope to have general member to chair this event.
Discussion was had regarding the development of a Community Needs Assessment to be worked on in the Fall. 
Merritton visit is slated for the first meeting in October.  
Sunshine Committee, Lion Mike Steinagel will chair this committee. A suggestion was made to make a donation to Roswell Park for Lion Bud Pritchard and some sort of commemorative for Ellie Pritchard. 
Almost half of the membership has not paid their dues for 2009 – 2010 a second notice and or email will be sent out.  Those members who still do not respond will receive a phone call from LP Henry.  Family dues:  Henry recommended that we consider continue the discount for family members.
Cabinet Orientation report:  Tom Witkowski;  Lion Dave and Lion Tom went to cash in the collected metals $581 was received, $72 goes to our GI Lions club.  The 2009 Lions State Convention will be in November in Buffalo.  First ACM meeting will be held on Tuesday 10/06 at Fanny’s restaurant, the cost of the dinner is $20.   Lion Ben Dockery is lining up a collection of gently used appliances in support of the flood victims in Gowanda.   Cabinet orientation, DG Lion Dave Gehring, what are doing to increase our exposure in the community?  That is why we need a Community Needs assessment (CNA).   DG newsletter clubs or Lions can place ads at 50% off. DG has a grant to support a billboard to increase awareness at the cabinet level.  The main idea of the DG this year is to get back our roots and serve the community.
Old Business –  none
New Business – Paul Bassette;  Eyeglass stand in the town hall, who manages this?  John McCarthy?  Mid September, Blind and Charity fund to assemble packets we will need about 5 people to volunteer for this.
Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn Lion Jerry seconded Lion Diane meeting adjourned 8:38 PM.
Next Board of Directors meeting will be September 23, 2009

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board  Meeting September 23, 2009

Attendance: (12 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Dick Crawford, Norm Hahn, Al Ackerman, Paul Bassette, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Donna Lavallee,
Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 9:00 PM. 
Corresponding Secretary’s report: Annette; Review of the donation for Lion Bud Pritchard’s passing.  There was a suggestion to do a donation to Roswell in Bud name.  The approximate cost of a plate to be presented to Ellie Pritchard would be $50, with a Lions Logo.  Chi Doring will be doing China Painting on this plate.  Presentation of the plate to Ellie Pritchard at a future meeting was discussed.  Lion Jerry made a motion to put aside $150 dollars to cover the cost of the plate and a ˜ $100 donation to Roswell to be allocated depending on the cost of plate. Seconded by Lion Paul.  All in favor, none opposed.  Motion passed.  
Donation to the Lewiston Community Lions to get them up and running as a charter club.  A contribution is requested of all Clubs in district 20-N.  Our club does not budget for these items.  LP Henry and Lion Annette made a personal donation.  This will be presented to all club members to make their individual donations as a member of the GI Lions club. 
Donation request from Opportunities Unlimited, summer appeal contribution request.   No donation will be made
Budgeted items for donations:  Lion Paul - Up for discussion
Docs Day for kids $500 in memoriam of Lion Tom Rusert’s brother in law
Young Life $200
SPCA $50
Lion Dick responded to each of the above items.  Should we consider other worthy organizations Leading Dogs, etc. in CA.  Discussion on how we should keep donations to local organizations.  Guiding eyes for the Blind (not local, Yorktown Heights, NY), however,  local residents are closely associated by raising puppies for the blind, Canine Helpers.  Upon request we can review these charities donation requests with the budget committee.  Budget Committee:  Lions Anne, Diane, Henry, Al, Dick, Dick P, Jerry.
International Family Discount:  Three couples in the club that are paying full memberships dues.  The Budget Committee will review this policy and make recommendations on this.  Lion Diane will review the last few years of board minutes and report on what was passed and approved at a prior meeting. Lion Henry will abstain from this vote if necessary.
Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn Lion Jerry seconded Lion Anne meeting adjourned 9:30 PM.
Next Board of Directors meeting will be October 28, 2009
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
October 28, 2009

Attendance: (11 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Dave Chervinsky, Bill Wind, Donna Lavallee,

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 9:08 PM. 
Items for discussion:
· Members who have not paid their dues.   These members have been contacted.  One more letter will be sent on November 1, 2009 so the club will not have to pay the second half of international dues. Motion was made to send a letter to old members by November 1
Motion by Lion Paul, seconded by Lion Bill Wind.  All in favor.  Motion passed.
· Community Needs Assessment.  If members want to get involved, a committee will be formed after the first of the year.  Lion Bill Wind will get started on the database.
· Brooks Rimes relayed his discussion for “dress down” at IHA.  It was not possible.  LP Henry suggested we contact GI businesses for a possible “dress down” day at their business.
· Eyeglass boxes, John McCarthy is currently the eyeglass chairperson.  We should ask a member who would like to promote this and take over for Lion John.  LP Henry will visit companies and discuss the placement of a box and the possibility of a “dress down” day.  Lion Donna will get a list of the where in the community the boxes are located.
· Lion Paul would like to invite the prospective members that could not make the meeting tonight and invite them to the November 11, 2009 meeting.
· Christmas party; we will make the meal a little more special with a couple choices.  $20/person.
· Diabetes awareness.  Mobile signs.  In Tops or in front of Realty USA.  Also it could be possible use the sign in front of the Knights of Columbus.
· Future meetings.  One meeting in both November and December.  Board meeting to follow the November 11 meeting.
· Family discount; the family member discount will be implemented in 2010.  Motion made by Lion Dave, seconded by Lion Paul.  All in favor.  Motion passed.
New Business

Website.  Dave was notified that our member's only page was not protected.  This has been resolved.  Reg Schopp helped Lion Dave resolve this issue.  It was brought to Dave’s attention that giecom.net takes donations.  Dave asked the board to consider a donation to giecom.net. The Club gets free posting through giecom.net and Isle de Grande.  Lion Annette made a motion that the finance committee considers a donation. 

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn Lion Paul seconded Lion Tom meeting adjourned 9:55 PM.

Next Board of Directors meeting will be October 28, 2009
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting
November 11, 2009

Attendance: (12 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Dave Chervinsky, Bill Wind, Donna Lavallee, Al Ackerman

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 8:51 PM. 
Items for discussion:
· Lion Dick; there will be a finance meeting to discuss some of the items up for discussion from the general membership for the club.  Discussion was had regarding requests from other clubs for sponsorship, etc..  These requests must be approved by the board and it must come out of the general fund not the welfare fund.
· Discussion regarding the possibility of raising the cost of the dinner, as tip and gratuity are not covered by the $15.
· Idea was presented regarding hosting just one meeting a month for the general membership and one board meeting.  Maybe general attendance would be better.  Members were asked to develop and opinion on this subject.  Maybe a survey of the membership would be helpful.  Lion Tom suggested the possibility of one working meeting a month with a board meeting and one social meeting.  Perhaps the CNA will shed light on this issue.
· New Members; 2 prospective new members.  They were given applications for membership.  Their membership is still pending.  Other prospective members will be contacted for attending a meeting in January.
· Lion Paul:  Uplinger award.  The committee has not been formed.
· Mrs. Deana Kelly expressed that she felt that any monies donated to the club in Lion Mike Kelly’s name be designated for the SKP as the SKP was near and dear to Lion Mike’s heart.  Therefore, the motion made by Lion Mike S for a posthumous Melvin Jones award to Lion Mike Kelly was not passed.  Lion Mike K. was a very humble Lion who did not invite any attention to himself.  A donation in Lion Mike’s name for children at the Ira Ross Institute would be another fitting tribute.
· A computer search of not for profit organization and foundations conducted by Lion Tom turned up 55 organizations on GI.  The Lions Club was not mentioned. He is looking into this.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn Lion Jerry seconded Lion Tom meeting adjourned 9:30 PM.

Next Board of Directors meeting will be December 3, 2009 7 PM at Lion Henry’s house.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting
December 2, 2009

Attendance: (12 in attendance)Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Dick Crawford,  Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Bill Wind, Donna Lavallee, Al Ackerman, Anne Fahning, Dick Planavsky.

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM. 
Items for discussion:
§ Lion George Casey’s son passed away, memorial service is tomorrow
§ Lion Paul, please contribute to the Lions Club Blind and Charity Fund, any donation is appreciated and our club benefits from every donation.  Lion Dave has donated to this through the United Way.  Members may also donate on line through the District 20N website: lbcfundinc.org.
§ Two checks: for Chi Doring for the commemorative plate for Bud Pritchard, and Canine Helpers for the Handicapped, both have been budgeted for.  The Canine helpers check may be held up as the organization is experiencing some administrative difficulties.  Discussion was had regarding a request on where the funding is going, requesting a copy of their budgetary audit or perhaps designate the funds towards a particular individual.  A motion was made by Lion Jerry to request an audit from Canine Helpers, seconded by Lion Dick P., all in favor.
§ Lion Mike Steinagel will send a get well card to Lion Larry Furnia and a sympathy card to Lion George Casey.
§ Corresponding Secretary: 
o Everyone is invited to the Wilson Lions Club Christmas party, a donation of a canned food and $15. 
o Past DG leadership achievement award, the application needs to be in by 12/11/09.
§ The next board meeting will be on 1/27/10.
§ The district governors will be joining us for our 1/13/10 meeting.
§ Treasurers report: $5400-welfare club
§ Bon Ton – our club sold 113 booklets
§ Diabetes screening – we screened 37 people, a good turn out.
§ Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn Lion Bill seconded Lion Jerry meeting adjourned 8:10 PM.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
